Our History

Sigma Phi Delta is an international engineering fraternity founded upon the basic principles of truth and honesty at the University of Southern California in 1924. Their founders believed those basic principles should be the light guiding the footsteps of an Engineer towards service and success. Since their founding in 1924, they have grown to 25 active chapters internationally. The Beta-Omicron chapter of Sigma Phi Delta was founded at the University of Missouri on December 13th, 2014 with 30 members. It has since grown to 42 active members of like-minded engineering students seeking to better themselves and the Engineering profession.

Beta-Omicron History

The Beta-Omicron Chapter of Sigma Phi Delta began it's journey in late 2013 and early 2014 with Alumni Kyle J. White and David S. Lindsay. These two then went on to recruit additional members to form a Colony of Sigma Phi Delta at the University of Missouri. By February 9th, 2014, they had recruited an additional seven more men to form the colony: Justin C. Distler, Nicholas S. Endsley, Ethan A. Wilken, Arvin C.S. Bustos, Alexander R. Chung, Michael R. Brooks, and Calvin D. Irwin. On February 25th 2014, the University of Missouri Colony of Sigma Phi Delta was approved.

Founding Members

The Founding Members of Sigma Phi Delta - University of Missouri

On the weekend of April 5th, 2014, Colonization Weekend was held where the original nine founders and the additional 26 recruited members were gathered to conduct the Colonization Ceremony where the University of Missouri Colony of Sigma Phi Delta was officially founded. Over the course of the next week, Colony officers were elected: David S. Lindsay as Chief Engineer, Justin C. Distler as Vice-Chief Engineer, Arvin C.S. Bustos as Secretary, Ethan A. Wilken as Business Manager, Kyle J. White as Risk Reduction Chairman, Michael R. Brooks as New Member Educator, Daniel J. Brewer and Ethan J. Roussin as Social Chairmen, and Chase L.S. Skawinski and Spencer G. Tompkins as Recruitment Chairmen. On April 23rd, 2014, Dr. Roger C. Fales officially became the Colony's faculty advisor.

Colony Members

The Colony Members of Sigma Phi Delta - University of Missouri

On December 12-13th, 2014, the University of Missouri Colony of Sigma Phi Delta met with Jonathan W. Eastham, the Sigma Phi Delta Central Province Director, to complete the chartering process of the Colony to become an official Chapter of Sigma Phi Delta. On the evening of December 13th, 2014, the 30 remaining members of the Colony took part in the Initiation Ceremony and become the new Beta-Omicron Chapter of Sigma Phi Delta's Charter Class.

Charter Class

The Charter Class of the Beta-Omicron Chapter of Sigma Phi Delta

Coat of Arms